3 Benefits Of Using Digital Wayfinding Systems At Shopping Centers

For decades, customers relied on physical maps placed around large shopping centers to navigate their way or figure out where they were located. While these physical maps served their purpose, technology is quickly advancing, and more and more shopping center management companies are opting to use digital wayfinding systems to replace the antiquated physical maps of yesteryear.

In some cases, a digital wayfinding system can consist of kiosks with touch screens that shoppers can utilize. You can also opt to have your shopping center's digital wayfinding system available through an app that can be accessed via smartphone. Some of the benefits of digital wayfinding systems for shopping centers include:

1. Better Shopping Experience

One of the biggest benefits of going to a large shopping center is the fact that there are a number of different stores to shop at, as well as different dining options. However, the downside of visiting a large shopping center, especially for the first time, is the fact that is can be hard for a customer to figure out where they are and how to get to where they want to go. An easily accessible digital wayfinding system makes it much easier for customers to navigate the layout of a shopping center and find the stores that they are looking for, making for a much more positive shopping experience.

2. Update Instantly

A major benefit of a digital wayfinding system at shopping malls is the fact that the IT department can update them easily in a very little amount of time. For example, if a store inside a shopping center closes down or moves to another location within the shopping center, physical maps become obsolete and will eventually need to be replaced, which can be costly if the situation arises regularly. But, with a digital wayfinding system, it is easy for shopping center maps to be quickly updated to reflect new stores or the relocation of stores.

3. Provide More Information

Physical maps of a shopping center are only able to give customers a vague idea of the layout of the shopping center and a vague idea of where they are currently located. Implementing a digital wayfinding system makes it possible to provide a lot more information to customers in real time. For example, sales and promotions for different stores can be included in a digital wayfinding system, which can help bring more customers into stores that they may not have planned to shop at. It is also easy to include FAQs in a digital wayfinding system so customers can have their questions answered quickly without having to find the customer service desk inside the shopping center. 
